Tuesday, September 8, 2009


When it comes to developing mobile applications, one of the biggest problems developers have collected feedback from users. Even the iPhone App Store, with user testimonials and star ratings, often fraught with prejudice and very positive or negative, without much indication of why a particular user or not the application, and almost no information on users who leave the responses. HaveASec is a vote and the start of the investigation is seeking help. The service provides surveys that are optimized for iPhone, Blackberry and other mobile devices (and work in standard browsers as well). And she already has an impressive list of clients, including Ngmoco (the developer behind Rolando), AdMob and Google, which he used during the Google I / O developer conference.

HaveASec debuted last year and was part of a special class of Stanford in iPhone applications. Co-founder David Richards said the company derives from a need to give mobile developers a clearer picture of why people use their applications, the demographics of its users, and what you can do to improve their applications . In the upcoming iPhone development, the companies were the custodians of key information such as demographics and developers often left in the dark. David said that shortly after the iPhone SDK has been released him and two other founders of the company of others began to build a platform to vote optimized for the iPhone that could help alleviate this problem.

Justin leslie Computer Technology Cafe 

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